CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E48M4

Experiment: g7a: Search for medium modification of light vector mesons off nuclei
Year: 2010
Spokespersons: D. Weygand, C. Djalali, M. Kossov
Reaction: e208Pb → semi-inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: TA(12C,φ)
Q2: 0.0 GeV2
W: 2.8 GeV
M. H. Wood, R. Nasseripour, M. Paolone, C. Djalali, D. P. Weygand, the CLAS Collaboration Absorption of the ω and φ Mesons in Nuclei // PRL 105, 112301 (2010)

Measurement data
A TA(12C,φ) uncertainty syst. uncert.
12.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
56.0 0.772 0.176 0.189
208.0 0.46 0.124 0.129