CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E49M2

Experiment: A comparison of forward and backward pp pair knockout in 3He(e, e'pp)n
Year: 0
Spokespersons: H.Baghdasaryan, L.B.Weinstein, J.M.Laget
Reaction: e3He → ppn
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dPtot,pn
Q2: 0.8 — 4.9 GeV2
W: 0.3 — 3.9 GeV
H. Baghdasaryan, L. B. Weinstein, J. M. Laget, and CLAS Collaboration Comparison of forward and backward pp pair knockout in 3He(e,e`pp)n // PHYSICAL REVIEW C 85, 064318 (2012)
H. Baghdasaryan, L.B. Weinstein, J.M. Laget, and CLAS Collaboration Tensor Correlations Measured in 3He(e,e'pp)n // PRL 105, 222501 (2010)

Measurement data
Ptot,pn, [GeV/c] dσ/dPtot,pn, [fb/MeV] uncertainty
0.00893 0.135 0.0932
0.0268 1.75 0.361
0.0491 2.69 0.418
0.067 4.17 0.533
0.0893 4.03 0.511
0.107 5.4 0.606
0.129 4.66 0.561
0.147 5.13 0.584
0.17 6.34 0.649
0.188 6.88 0.673
0.21 7.41 0.711
0.228 7.69 0.737
0.25 8.97 0.773
0.268 10.9 0.867
0.286 9.27 0.785
0.308 7.33 0.699
0.326 7.17 0.706
0.348 4.85 0.568
0.366 4.6 0.55
0.388 4.3 0.54
0.406 3.12 0.475
0.429 3.13 0.47
0.446 1.9 0.357
0.469 1.6 0.318
0.487 0.805 0.242
0.509 1.2 0.273
0.527 0.868 0.23
0.549 0.868 0.237
0.567 0.932 0.248
0.589 1.17 0.301
0.607 0.518 0.178
0.629 0.597 0.211
0.647 0.0871 0.073
0.67 0.167 0.116
0.688 0.119 0.0793