CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E50M8

Experiment: e1-dvcs run CLAS data
Year: 2012
Spokespersons: V. Burket, L. Elouadrhiri, M. Garson, S. Stepanyan
Reaction: ep → π0p
Polarization: beam
Quantity: d4σ/dQ2 dxb dt dφ
Q2: 1.948 — 1.957 GeV2
x: 0.3106 — 0.314
I. Bedlinskiy, V. Kubarovsky, S. Niccolai, P. Stoler, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of Exclusive π0 Electroproduction Structure Functions and their Relationship to Transverse Generalized Parton Distributions // PRL 109, 112001 (2012)

Slice: -t = GeV2

Measurement data
-t, [GeV2] φ, [deg] d4σ/dQ2 dxb dt dφ, [nb/(rad*GeV4)] uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.1332 27.0 12.259 5.01 3.816
0.1745 9.0 9.3523 3.118 1.104
0.175 27.0 6.9677 2.635 1.299
0.1759 45.0 13.943 3.868 1.65
0.1755 63.0 11.965 4.524 2.417
0.1759 297.0 6.6795 2.727 2.207
0.1755 315.0 8.2071 2.902 0.585
0.176 333.0 7.9915 3.021 0.707
0.1743 351.0 10.158 3.841 1.372
0.2488 9.0 5.8781 1.518 1.609
0.2488 27.0 7.3238 1.68 3.329
0.2496 45.0 14.374 2.624 0.801
0.2482 63.0 13.341 3.144 3.478
0.2481 81.0 13.011 4.919 0.887
0.2492 297.0 13.813 2.945 1.119
0.2476 315.0 7.737 1.775 1.728
0.2482 333.0 7.7212 1.931 0.658
0.2498 351.0 6.0404 1.822 1.132
0.3482 9.0 6.71 1.582 0.677
0.3485 27.0 7.9181 1.651 0.292
0.3496 45.0 13.383 2.17 2.159
0.3467 63.0 14.46 3.233 1.298
0.3493 153.0 12.392 4.132 1.888
0.3488 189.0 6.8588 2.426 0.724
0.3493 225.0 10.105 4.126 0.966
0.3504 243.0 14.583 6.524 5.726
0.3506 279.0 11.755 5.258 1.558
0.3513 297.0 8.7763 1.916 3.033
0.3474 315.0 9.6107 1.85 1.269
0.349 333.0 7.4293 1.705 0.717
0.3501 351.0 7.6001 1.792 1.874
0.4949 9.0 4.9316 1.233 0.754
0.4982 27.0 7.5475 1.125 0.969
0.4962 45.0 9.6866 1.413 0.145
0.4952 63.0 10.308 2.062 2.864
0.4973 135.0 6.8692 2.172 1.388
0.4933 153.0 4.3123 1.363 1.588
0.4939 171.0 13.652 3.131 2.889
0.4938 189.0 4.102 1.059 0.93
0.4986 225.0 8.1151 2.029 4.443
0.4952 243.0 6.2132 2.537 1.376
0.4966 279.0 9.3822 4.195 1.296
0.4964 297.0 7.8407 1.456 0.92
0.4953 315.0 6.9198 1.031 0.609
0.4941 333.0 6.4417 1.217 0.453
0.4964 351.0 6.0912 1.523 0.726
0.7804 27.0 2.6183 0.513 0.825
0.7828 45.0 3.5941 0.607 0.268
0.7893 63.0 5.2645 1.098 0.756
0.7874 81.0 3.5087 1.432 0.255
0.7831 117.0 3.6443 1.378 0.638
0.7758 135.0 5.314 1.534 0.89
0.7786 153.0 4.6134 1.032 1.507
0.7777 171.0 3.3896 0.94 0.278
0.778 189.0 3.4322 0.686 0.046
0.7817 207.0 4.5045 1.163 1.499
0.7846 225.0 5.2805 1.056 0.304
0.7829 243.0 5.5661 1.678 1.182
0.789 297.0 4.3785 0.876 0.222
0.7836 315.0 5.3 0.673 0.468
0.7879 333.0 4.946 0.848 0.668
1.217 27.0 2.0401 0.416 0.261
1.216 45.0 3.1907 0.625 0.28
1.219 63.0 4.6334 1.465 0.554
1.216 99.0 3.3419 0.747 0.813
1.217 117.0 5.7646 1.153 0.232
1.221 135.0 4.0488 1.531 0.814
1.223 153.0 4.1454 1.07 0.261
1.221 171.0 3.5177 1.244 0.741
1.223 189.0 2.0138 0.671 0.129
1.223 225.0 3.2142 0.859 0.418
1.219 243.0 6.5876 2.195 0.618
1.222 261.0 3.0553 1.019 0.257
1.22 297.0 1.759 0.665 0.456
1.22 315.0 1.5474 0.375 0.124
1.216 333.0 1.8383 0.459 0.136
1.731 27.0 0.7856 0.261 0.081
1.707 81.0 1.8433 0.532 0.409
1.72 99.0 1.7937 0.382 0.173
1.725 117.0 2.1231 0.613 0.314
1.721 261.0 1.2604 0.42 0.359
1.725 279.0 1.3664 0.455 0.19
1.718 333.0 1.6965 0.511 0.218