CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E62M110

Experiment: E-94-005 CLAS experiment
Year: 2006
Spokesperson: L. Elouadrhiri
Reaction: ep → π+πp
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dM(π+)
Q2: 0.25 — 0.3 GeV2
W: 1.425 — 1.45 GeV
G.V.Fedotov, V.I.Mokeev, V.D.Burkert, L.Elouadrhiri, E.N.Golovatch, B.S.Ishkhanov, E.L.Isupov, N.V.Shvedunov, and CLAS Collaboration Electroproduction of +π off Protons at 0.2<Q2<0.6 GeV2 and 1.3<W<1.57 GeV with CLAS // PRC 79, 015204 (2009)

Measurement data
M(π+), [GeV] dσ/dM(π+), [μb/GeV] uncertainty
0.27618 49.373238 7.9583874
0.31025 177.6967 15.421266
0.34432 177.7845 13.264845
0.3784 215.83203 16.335535
0.41247 186.2567 9.6939154
0.44655 168.48106 10.483996
0.48062 90.449242 9.9188719
0.51469 2.7997613 0.56692743