CLAS Physics Database

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Measurement E70M1

Experiment: ?
Year: 0
Spokesperson: M. Battaglieri
Reaction: γp → φ(1020) p
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dt
W: 2.66 — 2.86 GeV
x: 0.0
E. Anciant, T. Auger, G. Audit, M. Battaglieri, J. M. Laget, C. Marchand, and CLAS Collaboration Photoproduction of Phi(1020) Mesons on the Proton at Large Momentum Transfer // Phys.Rev.Let.85,4682(2000)

Measurement data
-t, [GeV2] dσ/dt, [nb/GeV2] uncertainty
0.525 171.8 12.8
0.79 66.11 6.47
1.03 33.06 3.74
1.37 12.31 1.71
1.82 4.13 0.76
2.37 1.2 0.34
3.09 1.0 0.2
3.85 1.6 0.29