CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E78M1

Experiment: E93-031 CLAS experiment
Year: 0

Measurement comment:

SLOPE(P=4) of the DSIG/DT IN GEV**-2 distribution in different Q**2 regions
Spokesperson: K. Lukashin
Reaction: ep → φ(1020) p
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dt
Q2: 0.7 — 2.2 GeV2
W: 2.0 — 2.6 GeV
K. Lukashin, E. S. Smith and CLAS Collaboration Exclusive electroproduction of φ mesons at 4.2 GeV // PRC 63, 065205-1 (2001); 64 059901(E)

Measurement data
Q2, [GeV2] dσ/dt, [GeV^-2] uncertainty
1.02 2.27 0.42
0.87 2.31 0.59
1.47 2.1 0.52