CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E7M13

Experiment: E89-042 CLAS Experiment
Year: 2003
Spokespersons: V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart
Reaction: ep → π0p
Polarization: beam
Quantity: Abπ, φπ)
Q2: 0.4 GeV2
W: 1.58 GeV
x: 0.1866
K. Joo, L.C. Smith, V.D. Burkert, R. Minehart, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Polarized Structure Function of Single pi0 Electroproduction in the Delta Resonance Region // Phys. Rev. C, 68 03220101 (2003)

Slice: cos(θπ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θπ) φπ, [deg] Abπ, φπ), [1/sr] uncertainty
-0.875 22.5 -0.2 0.0688
-0.875 67.5 -0.242 0.0864
-0.875 112.5 -0.18 0.0967
-0.875 157.5 0.00591 0.296
-0.875 202.5 -0.00591 0.296
-0.875 247.5 0.0288 0.0914
-0.875 292.5 0.128 0.0861
-0.875 337.5 0.0506 0.0675
-0.625 22.5 0.0914 0.0545
-0.625 67.5 -0.125 0.0557
-0.625 112.5 -0.089 0.0503
-0.625 157.5 0.0483 0.261
-0.625 202.5 0.32 0.248
-0.625 247.5 0.148 0.0543
-0.625 292.5 0.0303 0.0542
-0.625 337.5 0.0571 0.0533
-0.375 22.5 0.0465 0.0491
-0.375 67.5 -0.0767 0.0426
-0.375 112.5 -0.0124 0.047
-0.375 157.5 0.0694 0.079
-0.375 202.5 0.00726 0.0762
-0.375 247.5 0.103 0.0462
-0.375 292.5 -0.0301 0.0441
-0.375 337.5 0.00548 0.0501
-0.125 22.5 -0.0291 0.0543
-0.125 67.5 -0.0357 0.0362
-0.125 112.5 -0.0354 0.0417
-0.125 157.5 -0.116 0.0536
-0.125 202.5 -0.0175 0.0504
-0.125 247.5 0.0777 0.0409
-0.125 292.5 0.0151 0.0355
-0.125 337.5 0.029 0.0562
0.125 22.5 -0.00904 0.0428
0.125 67.5 0.00238 0.0339
0.125 112.5 0.0127 0.0397
0.125 157.5 -0.0188 0.0478
0.125 202.5 0.029 0.047
0.125 247.5 -0.0207 0.0391
0.125 292.5 0.103 0.0341
0.125 337.5 0.067 0.0423
0.375 22.5 0.0764 0.0372
0.375 67.5 -0.0214 0.0339
0.375 112.5 0.0297 0.0416
0.375 157.5 0.0134 0.052
0.375 202.5 0.0478 0.0517
0.375 247.5 -0.0246 0.0414
0.375 292.5 -0.0325 0.0346
0.375 337.5 0.0525 0.0368
0.625 22.5 0.0672 0.047
0.625 67.5 0.0286 0.0384
0.625 112.5 -0.033 0.0484
0.625 157.5 0.00177 0.0629
0.625 202.5 0.00681 0.0584
0.625 247.5 -0.0203 0.0475
0.625 292.5 0.0426 0.0387
0.625 337.5 0.022 0.0462
0.875 22.5 -0.0557 0.0277
0.875 67.5 0.122 0.0429
0.875 112.5 0.089 0.0649
0.875 157.5 0.0286 0.0984
0.875 202.5 -0.0587 0.101
0.875 247.5 0.119 0.0638
0.875 292.5 -0.0642 0.0423
0.875 337.5 -0.0222 0.0283