CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E7M5

Experiment: E89-042 CLAS Experiment
Year: 2003
Spokespersons: V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart
Reaction: ep → π0p
Polarization: beam
Quantity: Abπ, φπ)
Q2: 0.4 GeV2
W: 1.26 GeV
x: 0.3307
K. Joo, L.C. Smith, V.D. Burkert, R. Minehart, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Polarized Structure Function of Single pi0 Electroproduction in the Delta Resonance Region // Phys. Rev. C, 68 03220101 (2003)

Slice: cos(θπ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θπ) φπ, [deg] Abπ, φπ), [1/sr] uncertainty
-0.875 22.5 0.0154 0.0206
-0.875 67.5 0.0478 0.02
-0.875 112.5 0.0961 0.0235
-0.875 157.5 0.051 0.0264
-0.875 202.5 -0.0645 0.0261
-0.875 247.5 -0.0965 0.0233
-0.875 292.5 -0.0923 0.0201
-0.875 337.5 -0.0665 0.0206
-0.625 22.5 0.0246 0.0154
-0.625 67.5 0.0607 0.0164
-0.625 112.5 0.0493 0.0216
-0.625 157.5 0.0371 0.0233
-0.625 202.5 -0.0552 0.0239
-0.625 247.5 -0.0441 0.0213
-0.625 292.5 -0.0468 0.0165
-0.625 337.5 -0.0413 0.0154
-0.375 22.5 0.0142 0.0142
-0.375 67.5 0.04 0.0159
-0.375 112.5 0.0112 0.0216
-0.375 157.5 0.0229 0.0257
-0.375 202.5 -0.0464 0.0265
-0.375 247.5 -0.0536 0.0217
-0.375 292.5 -0.0333 0.0158
-0.375 337.5 -0.0193 0.0143
-0.125 22.5 0.00414 0.0139
-0.125 67.5 0.0277 0.0152
-0.125 112.5 0.0386 0.0178
-0.125 157.5 -0.0304 0.0278
-0.125 202.5 -0.0536 0.0294
-0.125 247.5 -0.0161 0.0177
-0.125 292.5 -0.0219 0.0152
-0.125 337.5 -0.00561 0.0139
0.125 22.5 0.0365 0.014
0.125 67.5 0.0197 0.0151
0.125 112.5 0.0196 0.0157
0.125 157.5 0.0375 0.0271
0.125 202.5 0.0264 0.0277
0.125 247.5 0.00123 0.0154
0.125 292.5 0.0513 0.0151
0.125 337.5 -0.037 0.0138
0.375 22.5 0.0209 0.0149
0.375 67.5 -0.0129 0.0154
0.375 112.5 -0.0303 0.0149
0.375 157.5 -0.0138 0.0258
0.375 202.5 -0.0165 0.0258
0.375 247.5 0.0059 0.0149
0.375 292.5 -0.0246 0.0155
0.375 337.5 -0.0102 0.0148
0.625 22.5 -0.00151 0.0167
0.625 67.5 -0.0352 0.0177
0.625 112.5 0.0111 0.017
0.625 157.5 -0.0132 0.0264
0.625 202.5 -0.00846 0.0272
0.625 247.5 -0.0098 0.0171
0.625 292.5 0.0343 0.0174
0.625 337.5 -0.0087 0.0167
0.875 22.5 -0.0108 0.0203
0.875 67.5 0.0134 0.0228
0.875 112.5 -0.0124 0.0286
0.875 157.5 0.0516 0.0271
0.875 202.5 -0.0145 0.0274
0.875 247.5 0.0303 0.0288
0.875 292.5 -0.00171 0.0229
0.875 337.5 0.0349 0.0203