CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E7M9

Experiment: E89-042 CLAS Experiment
Year: 2003
Spokespersons: V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart
Reaction: ep → π0p
Polarization: beam
Quantity: Abπ, φπ)
Q2: 0.4 GeV2
W: 1.42 GeV
x: 0.2422
K. Joo, L.C. Smith, V.D. Burkert, R. Minehart, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Polarized Structure Function of Single pi0 Electroproduction in the Delta Resonance Region // Phys. Rev. C, 68 03220101 (2003)

Slice: cos(θπ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θπ) φπ, [deg] Abπ, φπ), [1/sr] uncertainty
-0.875 22.5 0.029 0.0912
-0.875 67.5 -0.00397 0.0826
-0.875 112.5 0.0229 0.0894
-0.875 157.5 -0.0817 0.0741
-0.875 202.5 -0.171 0.0788
-0.875 247.5 0.0643 0.0925
-0.875 292.5 -0.0362 0.0799
-0.875 337.5 -0.0141 0.0816
-0.625 22.5 -0.0639 0.0513
-0.625 67.5 -0.115 0.0522
-0.625 112.5 -0.0462 0.0477
-0.625 157.5 -0.029 0.0968
-0.625 202.5 -0.0291 0.0967
-0.625 247.5 0.0223 0.0471
-0.625 292.5 0.138 0.0513
-0.625 337.5 0.0287 0.0497
-0.375 22.5 -0.00714 0.0397
-0.375 67.5 -0.0455 0.0372
-0.375 112.5 -0.0357 0.0299
-0.375 157.5 -0.0474 0.0661
-0.375 202.5 -0.00652 0.0655
-0.375 247.5 0.0157 0.0301
-0.375 292.5 0.0128 0.0371
-0.375 337.5 0.0629 0.0388
-0.125 22.5 -0.0242 0.0416
-0.125 67.5 -0.00822 0.0314
-0.125 112.5 -0.0458 0.0267
-0.125 157.5 0.0293 0.0855
-0.125 202.5 -0.00533 0.0909
-0.125 247.5 0.0714 0.0272
-0.125 292.5 0.0304 0.0322
-0.125 337.5 0.011 0.0416
0.125 22.5 -0.0506 0.0393
0.125 67.5 -0.0888 0.0304
0.125 112.5 -0.0775 0.0291
0.125 157.5 0.0416 0.0751
0.125 202.5 -0.0122 0.0783
0.125 247.5 0.0301 0.0291
0.125 292.5 0.059 0.0303
0.125 337.5 0.0826 0.0394
0.375 22.5 -0.0467 0.0267
0.375 67.5 -0.131 0.0313
0.375 112.5 -0.097 0.0343
0.375 157.5 -0.168 0.0578
0.375 202.5 0.0648 0.057
0.375 247.5 0.203 0.0342
0.375 292.5 0.118 0.0313
0.375 337.5 0.0675 0.027
0.625 22.5 -0.134 0.0323
0.625 67.5 -0.228 0.0364
0.625 112.5 -0.19 0.043
0.625 157.5 -0.0848 0.0601
0.625 202.5 0.19 0.0564
0.625 247.5 0.241 0.0428
0.625 292.5 0.239 0.0365
0.625 337.5 0.123 0.0326
0.875 22.5 -0.13 0.0383
0.875 67.5 -0.275 0.0491
0.875 112.5 -0.264 0.0635
0.875 157.5 -0.0709 0.102
0.875 202.5 -0.00887 0.104
0.875 247.5 0.2 0.0646
0.875 292.5 0.174 0.0475
0.875 337.5 0.0649 0.0383