CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E82M3

Experiment: E91-023 CLAS experiment
Year: 1998

Measurement comment:

The polarized structure function G1 as a function of Bjorken X for the Q**2 range 0.15 to 0.27 GeV^2.
Spokesperson: R. Fatemi
Reaction: ep → inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: g1d
Q2: 0.15 — 0.27 GeV2
W: 0.0 GeV
x: 0.05356 — 0.3771
R. Fatemi, A.V. Skabelin, V. D. Burkert, D. Crabb, R. DeVita, S. E. Kuhn, R. Minehart and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Spin Structure Functions in the Resonance Region for Q2 from 0.15 to 1.6 GeV2 // PRL 91 (2003) 222002

Measurement data
x g1d uncertainty
0.05356 0.00856 0.08823
0.05607 0.10981 0.04328
0.05876 -0.01588 0.03893
0.06166 0.06446 0.04528
0.06479 -0.02119 0.04372
0.06819 0.02047 0.04518
0.07188 0.00997 0.03962
0.0759 0.08023 0.0384
0.08029 0.04386 0.03974
0.08511 0.04797 0.04103
0.09041 0.1136 0.04697
0.09626 0.02039 0.04544
0.10276 0.06247 0.04042
0.11 0.06244 0.03718
0.11812 0.07196 0.04275
0.12727 0.07802 0.04792
0.13765 0.05255 0.04042
0.14952 0.0237 0.03529
0.1632 0.04814 0.03307
0.17912 0.00181 0.03497
0.19785 -0.0212 0.03914
0.22017 -0.16429 0.04464
0.2472 -0.3039 0.04914
0.28052 -0.12435 0.02813
0.32255 -0.02296 0.01371
0.3771 -0.00433 0.00204