CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E83M9

Experiment: E93-017 CLAS Experiment
Year: 0

Measurement comment:

Angular distributions of the photodisintegration cross section for angle between 90 and 100 degrees in the CM.
Spokesperson: M. Mirazita
Reaction: γd → p n
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
W: 0.56 — 2.886 GeV
x: 0.0
M. Mirazita, F. Ronchetti, P. Rossi, E. De Sanctis and CLAS Collaboration Complete Angular Distribution Measurements of Two-Body Deuteron Photodisintegration between 0.5 and 3 GeV // Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 014005

Measurement data
Eγ, [GeV] dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
0.56 595.8 5.1
0.641 394.9 3.6
0.75 209.3 2.8
0.864 86.76 1.18
0.95 50.64 0.72
1.052 31.12 0.59
1.142 17.3 0.41
1.254 10.43 0.33
1.355 6.36 0.26
1.449 3.69 0.2
1.548 3.13 0.19
1.648 2.17 0.16
1.751 1.36 0.13
1.845 1.03 0.12
1.959 0.633 0.109
2.051 0.6 0.105
2.147 0.31 0.109
2.25 0.766 0.203
2.331 0.297 0.094
2.458 0.25 0.125
2.548 0.134 0.095
2.651 0.181 0.105
2.749 0.139 0.098
2.886 0.23 0.164