CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E12M16

Experiment: E1D and E6A runs CLAS data
Year: 2005
Spokesperson: M. Osipenko
Reaction: ed → inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: F2
Q2: 1.075 GeV2
W: 1.7838187834266186 — 2.448804374372358 GeV
x: 0.3025 — 1.4545
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Deuteron Structure Function F2 in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of Its Moments // hep-ex/0506004
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration The deuteron structure function F2 with CLAS // CLAS-NOTE 2005-013 and hep-ex/0507098

Measurement data
x F2 uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.3025 0.24292 0.0029386 0.014234
0.3115 0.24074 0.0017421 0.013912
0.3205 0.23926 0.001488 0.013787
0.3295 0.23763 0.0014693 0.013653
0.3385 0.24163 0.0015287 0.013864
0.3475 0.24957 0.0016238 0.014373
0.3565 0.23785 0.0016163 0.013698
0.3655 0.23403 0.0016311 0.013502
0.3745 0.22038 0.0015858 0.012638
0.3835 0.21094 0.001585 0.012139
0.3925 0.20312 0.0015866 0.011687
0.4015 0.19432 0.0015471 0.011118
0.4105 0.19458 0.0016083 0.011179
0.4195 0.19498 0.0016425 0.011187
0.4285 0.19544 0.0017369 0.011212
0.4375 0.18678 0.0017694 0.010676
0.4465 0.18491 0.0018658 0.010601
0.4555 0.16626 0.0018515 0.009523
0.4645 0.15792 0.0018676 0.0090518
0.4735 0.1452 0.0018115 0.0082988
0.4825 0.14639 0.0018672 0.0083799
0.4915 0.13634 0.0018178 0.0078254
0.5005 0.13429 0.0018133 0.0076968
0.5095 0.13121 0.0018341 0.0075666
0.5185 0.12537 0.0017992 0.0071848
0.5275 0.12361 0.0018071 0.0070883
0.5365 0.12868 0.0019259 0.0073919
0.5455 0.1301 0.0019068 0.0074693
0.5545 0.13171 0.001951 0.0075611
0.5635 0.12976 0.0019634 0.0074691
0.5725 0.14049 0.0020736 0.0080943
0.5815 0.14598 0.0021218 0.0083926
0.5905 0.14369 0.0021618 0.0082559
0.5995 0.15452 0.0022888 0.0089258
0.6085 0.15224 0.0022875 0.0087351
0.6175 0.15017 0.0022896 0.0086626
0.6265 0.15797 0.0023844 0.0091374
0.6355 0.13903 0.0022206 0.008036
0.6445 0.13707 0.0022725 0.00791
0.6535 0.13754 0.0022647 0.0079407
0.6625 0.11598 0.0020521 0.0065438
0.6715 0.10497 0.0018351 0.0058775
0.6805 0.10702 0.0019913 0.0060739
0.6895 0.090113 0.0017304 0.0050904
0.6985 0.082533 0.0016614 0.0046435
0.7075 0.074518 0.001583 0.0041871
0.7165 0.062433 0.0014002 0.0035033
0.7255 0.065606 0.0014064 0.0036643
0.7345 0.058598 0.0013312 0.003317
0.7435 0.052969 0.0012741 0.0029885
0.7525 0.046534 0.00112 0.0026003
0.7615 0.047899 0.0011606 0.0027072
0.7705 0.051125 0.0012139 0.0028877
0.7795 0.042722 0.0010404 0.0023844
0.7885 0.041787 0.0010647 0.0023442
0.7975 0.043451 0.0010932 0.0024455
0.8065 0.045119 0.001077 0.0025182
0.8155 0.043551 0.0010574 0.0024157
0.8245 0.044482 0.0010964 0.0024873
0.8335 0.047941 0.001178 0.0026995
0.8425 0.056061 0.0012543 0.00314
0.8515 0.058105 0.0013152 0.0032679
0.8605 0.063865 0.0013735 0.0035964
0.8695 0.071706 0.001504 0.0040805
0.8785 0.081966 0.0017406 0.0046349
0.8875 0.08589 0.0017788 0.0048714
0.8965 0.091712 0.0018621 0.0051838
0.9055 0.105 0.0020336 0.0059833
0.9145 0.11604 0.0021724 0.0066332
0.9235 0.12981 0.0023823 0.0074421
0.9325 0.13134 0.0023575 0.0074675
0.9415 0.14836 0.00257 0.0084033
0.9505 0.16949 0.0029507 0.0097579
0.9595 0.1701 0.0029023 0.0097623
0.9685 0.19571 0.003276 0.011267
0.9775 0.20446 0.0034399 0.011808
0.9865 0.20392 0.0034871 0.011813
0.9955 0.1984 0.0034214 0.011415
1.0045 0.18727 0.0033137 0.010819
1.0135 0.19002 0.0034332 0.010999
1.0225 0.17491 0.0032123 0.010061
1.0315 0.17035 0.0031683 0.0097753
1.0405 0.15204 0.0029859 0.0086874
1.0495 0.14 0.0028604 0.0080073
1.0585 0.12664 0.0026054 0.0071823
1.0675 0.10852 0.002411 0.006118
1.0765 0.11177 0.0025054 0.0063673
1.0855 0.090102 0.002088 0.0050438
1.0945 0.081263 0.0020223 0.0045577
1.1035 0.074822 0.0019622 0.0041976
1.1125 0.063047 0.0017512 0.0035189
1.1215 0.059627 0.0016975 0.0033138
1.1305 0.051332 0.001531 0.0028528
1.1395 0.049958 0.0015794 0.0027902
1.1485 0.041364 0.0014701 0.0022985
1.1575 0.040022 0.0015933 0.0022469
1.1665 0.031299 0.0012899 0.0017394
1.1755 0.029974 0.0011792 0.0016596
1.1845 0.027129 0.0011331 0.0014902
1.1935 0.025625 0.0010706 0.0014218
1.2025 0.028165 0.0012533 0.0015707
1.2115 0.023787 0.0011941 0.0013193
1.2205 0.019575 0.0009546 0.0010761
1.2295 0.018449 0.0010071 0.0010192
1.2385 0.016408 0.00094444 0.00090453
1.2475 0.017248 0.0010152 0.00094999
1.2565 0.01468 0.00087836 0.00081096
1.2655 0.012332 0.00073604 0.00067408
1.2745 0.011278 0.00076385 0.0006168
1.2835 0.014771 0.00088941 0.00082068
1.2925 0.010091 0.00071443 0.00056324
1.3015 0.010418 0.00091696 0.00058262
1.3105 0.0095412 0.00067977 0.00053015
1.3195 0.010674 0.00083236 0.00059885
1.3285 0.0085764 0.00075801 0.00047192
1.3375 0.0074892 0.00062312 0.00040832
1.3465 0.0072996 0.00066547 0.00040299
1.3555 0.005634 0.0007141 0.00030958
1.3645 0.0048597 0.00059115 0.00026999
1.3735 0.0054027 0.00063113 0.00030647
1.3825 0.005762 0.0006632 0.00032606
1.3915 0.0050786 0.00072791 0.00029052
1.4005 0.0045091 0.00065896 0.00025654
1.4095 0.0038567 0.00050996 0.00020981
1.4185 0.0054724 0.00055467 0.00030639
1.4365 0.0041319 0.0005931 0.00023364
1.4455 0.0058087 0.00080565 0.00035549
1.4545 0.0049832 0.00061097 0.0002796