CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E12M17

Experiment: E1D and E6A runs CLAS data
Year: 2005
Spokesperson: M. Osipenko
Reaction: ed → inclusive
Polarization: none
Quantity: F2
Q2: 1.125 GeV2
W: 1.7780970205662192 — 2.42962224662538 GeV
x: 0.3205 — 1.4635
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration Measurement of the Deuteron Structure Function F2 in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of Its Moments // hep-ex/0506004
M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, S. Simula, M. Battaglieri, M. Ripani, and CLAS Collaboration The deuteron structure function F2 with CLAS // CLAS-NOTE 2005-013 and hep-ex/0507098

Measurement data
x F2 uncertainty syst. uncert.
0.3205 0.23565 0.0034913 0.013942
0.3295 0.23378 0.0019573 0.013707
0.3385 0.23771 0.0016264 0.013935
0.3475 0.23455 0.001583 0.013724
0.3565 0.23564 0.0016259 0.013763
0.3655 0.23078 0.0016314 0.013491
0.3745 0.22585 0.0016533 0.013193
0.3835 0.21271 0.0016139 0.012406
0.3925 0.21004 0.0016645 0.012295
0.4015 0.20703 0.0016743 0.012163
0.4105 0.20218 0.0016671 0.011823
0.4195 0.19735 0.0016867 0.011539
0.4285 0.18959 0.0016422 0.01108
0.4375 0.18674 0.0016697 0.010888
0.4465 0.1978 0.0017764 0.011585
0.4555 0.17617 0.0016759 0.010266
0.4645 0.16247 0.0016435 0.0094635
0.4735 0.15514 0.0016984 0.0090337
0.4825 0.14878 0.0017481 0.0086767
0.4915 0.14168 0.0017856 0.0082652
0.5005 0.13965 0.0018553 0.0081443
0.5095 0.12987 0.0018245 0.0075581
0.5185 0.12232 0.0017839 0.0070927
0.5275 0.12047 0.0018384 0.0070426
0.5365 0.12059 0.0018642 0.007069
0.5455 0.11801 0.0018478 0.0068806
0.5545 0.1235 0.0019359 0.0071989
0.5635 0.12509 0.0019366 0.007293
0.5725 0.13488 0.0021012 0.0079293
0.5815 0.12917 0.0020449 0.0075562
0.5905 0.13593 0.0021095 0.0079304
0.5995 0.13927 0.002191 0.0081296
0.6085 0.14479 0.0022808 0.0084676
0.6175 0.14831 0.0023372 0.0087012
0.6265 0.14208 0.0022514 0.0082997
0.6355 0.13886 0.0022482 0.008156
0.6445 0.13453 0.0022429 0.007926
0.6535 0.12289 0.0021967 0.0071741
0.6625 0.12983 0.0022562 0.0076414
0.6715 0.11633 0.0021347 0.0066445
0.6805 0.10794 0.0020566 0.0062234
0.6895 0.088668 0.0018299 0.0050849
0.6985 0.083203 0.0017915 0.0047458
0.7075 0.082251 0.001839 0.004722
0.7165 0.070107 0.0016093 0.0040066
0.7255 0.06387 0.001585 0.0036597
0.7345 0.056046 0.0014368 0.0031843
0.7435 0.056281 0.0015174 0.0032318
0.7525 0.051212 0.0013549 0.0029052
0.7615 0.045521 0.0013003 0.0025929
0.7705 0.042577 0.0013001 0.00245
0.7795 0.041771 0.0012618 0.0023904
0.7885 0.037348 0.00113 0.0021154
0.7975 0.046282 0.001296 0.0026607
0.8065 0.041071 0.0011756 0.0023268
0.8155 0.044265 0.0012727 0.0025297
0.8245 0.040549 0.0012127 0.0022973
0.8335 0.04688 0.0012634 0.0026613
0.8425 0.049384 0.0013249 0.002821
0.8515 0.05203 0.001358 0.0029691
0.8605 0.059007 0.0014925 0.003394
0.8695 0.060317 0.0014428 0.0034534
0.8785 0.067879 0.0014912 0.0038675
0.8875 0.079364 0.0017253 0.0045738
0.8965 0.080895 0.0017212 0.0046594
0.9055 0.095556 0.001899 0.0055012
0.9145 0.10867 0.002108 0.0063112
0.9235 0.12288 0.0022726 0.007141
0.9325 0.12806 0.0023678 0.0073879
0.9415 0.13321 0.00245 0.0076937
0.9505 0.15759 0.0028073 0.0092497
0.9595 0.1635 0.0028395 0.0095481
0.9685 0.16705 0.0029447 0.0097698
0.9775 0.18382 0.0032233 0.010882
0.9865 0.18623 0.0032453 0.010928
0.9955 0.1896 0.0034008 0.011189
1.0045 0.19213 0.0033926 0.011393
1.0135 0.17684 0.0033102 0.010461
1.0225 0.16697 0.0031099 0.009751
1.0315 0.16035 0.0031803 0.0093933
1.0405 0.14121 0.0028591 0.0082075
1.0495 0.1339 0.0027771 0.0077829
1.0585 0.10925 0.0024564 0.0062704
1.0675 0.10339 0.0024339 0.0059219
1.0765 0.093928 0.0022456 0.0053612
1.0855 0.081699 0.002033 0.0046242
1.0945 0.076096 0.0020213 0.004322
1.1035 0.062554 0.0017817 0.0035468
1.1125 0.059537 0.0017944 0.0033897
1.1215 0.051025 0.0015706 0.0028934
1.1305 0.049465 0.0016808 0.002817
1.1395 0.039897 0.0013893 0.0022486
1.1485 0.042676 0.001573 0.0024182
1.1575 0.033632 0.0012242 0.0018894
1.1665 0.032488 0.0014344 0.0018407
1.1755 0.030243 0.0012742 0.0016981
1.1845 0.029101 0.0012654 0.0016696
1.1935 0.026489 0.0012027 0.0015
1.2025 0.019946 0.0010381 0.0011123
1.2115 0.022141 0.0011265 0.001251
1.2205 0.020025 0.0011617 0.001126
1.2295 0.015918 0.00099489 0.00089888
1.2385 0.017687 0.0010964 0.0010087
1.2475 0.012683 0.0010094 0.0007268
1.2565 0.011495 0.00083404 0.00064625
1.2655 0.010951 0.00071345 0.00061343
1.2745 0.0086859 0.00080873 0.00048894
1.2835 0.012297 0.00099347 0.00069942
1.2925 0.0090053 0.00075032 0.00050868
1.3015 0.0067547 0.00067667 0.00037729
1.3105 0.0086207 0.00069201 0.00047799
1.3195 0.0087446 0.0008238 0.00049028
1.3285 0.0089078 0.00090026 0.00050353
1.3375 0.0059165 0.00070982 0.00033647
1.3465 0.0059671 0.00070365 0.00033445
1.3555 0.0050584 0.00055474 0.00028655
1.3645 0.0050137 0.00071275 0.00028074
1.3735 0.0055018 0.00058991 0.00030687
1.3825 0.0042623 0.00056229 0.00024002
1.3915 0.0052698 0.0006794 0.00030592
1.4095 0.0030997 0.0004825 0.00017448
1.4185 0.0036642 0.0005941 0.00020768
1.4275 0.004457 0.0005384 0.00025973
1.4365 0.003362 0.00050049 0.00018794
1.4635 0.0017977 0.00037575 0.00010214