CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E142M18

Experiment: E00-112 CLAS experiment
Year: 0

Experiment comment:

The uncertainties are statistical only. Systematic uncertainties are at the level of about 10%.
Spokesperson: Daniel S. Carman
Reaction: ep → K+ Λ
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 1.8 GeV2
W: 2.475 GeV
D. S. Carman et al. (CLAS Collaboration) // Phys. Rev. C 87, 025204 (2013)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [degree] dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.775 -157.5 0.406 0.491
-0.775 -112.5 1.777 0.885
-0.775 -67.5 1.376 0.827
-0.775 -22.5 0.766 0.647
-0.775 22.5 1.619 0.942
-0.775 67.5 1.633 0.902
-0.775 112.5 1.971 0.933
-0.775 157.5 0.47 0.528
-0.525 -157.5 0.365 0.65
-0.525 -112.5 0.118 0.323
-0.525 -67.5 0.29 0.537
-0.525 -22.5 0.296 0.548
-0.525 22.5 0.396 0.635
-0.525 67.5 0.451 0.671
-0.525 112.5 0.288 0.506
-0.525 157.5 0.163 0.434
-0.3 -157.5 0.596 0.68
-0.3 -112.5 1.158 0.909
-0.3 -67.5 0.473 0.653
-0.3 -22.5 0.408 0.642
-0.3 22.5 0.667 0.822
-0.3 67.5 0.893 0.897
-0.3 112.5 0.524 0.611
-0.3 157.5 0.826 0.8
-0.1 -157.5 1.803 1.079
-0.1 -112.5 1.413 0.94
-0.1 -67.5 0.668 0.75
-0.1 -22.5 0.39 0.613
-0.1 22.5 0.873 0.918
-0.1 67.5 0.652 0.741
-0.1 112.5 1.289 0.898
-0.1 157.5 1.532 0.994
0.1 -157.5 6.446 1.652
0.1 -112.5 5.503 1.452
0.1 -67.5 3.701 1.281
0.1 -22.5 3.136 1.331
0.1 22.5 2.984 1.298
0.1 67.5 2.958 1.144
0.1 112.5 4.011 1.238
0.1 157.5 5.198 1.482
0.3 -157.5 9.014 2.051
0.3 -112.5 8.467 1.788
0.3 -67.5 7.296 1.955
0.3 -22.5 5.766 1.933
0.3 22.5 6.353 2.029
0.3 67.5 6.955 1.909
0.3 112.5 8.335 1.774
0.3 157.5 7.657 1.889
0.5 -157.5 20.346 2.799
0.5 -112.5 25.144 3.135
0.5 -67.5 23.348 3.594
0.5 -22.5 10.185 3.408
0.5 22.5 10.756 3.503
0.5 67.5 21.303 3.43
0.5 112.5 21.242 2.874
0.5 157.5 21.171 2.856
0.675 -157.5 37.497 4.171
0.675 -112.5 40.08 5.249
0.675 -67.5 54.658 5.825
0.675 -22.5 0.058 0.083
0.675 22.5 0.059 0.084
0.675 67.5 58.776 6.049
0.675 112.5 37.777 5.09
0.675 157.5 37.012 4.144
0.825 -157.5 63.802 5.686
0.825 -112.5 81.161 9.393
0.825 -67.5 80.479 8.548
0.825 -22.5 17.481 11.349
0.825 22.5 26.37 13.949
0.825 67.5 93.702 9.246
0.825 112.5 72.143 8.836
0.825 157.5 52.117 5.129
0.95 -157.5 166.256 11.168
0.95 -112.5 175.711 15.784
0.95 -67.5 169.178 21.913
0.95 -22.5 143.101 20.206
0.95 22.5 142.142 20.137
0.95 67.5 82.861 15.231
0.95 112.5 132.696 13.677
0.95 157.5 162.217 11.029