CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E15M48

Experiment: E99-105
Year: 2002

Measurement comment:

Virtual photon polarization parameter ε = 0.65. Errors include statistics and point-to-point sytematics, added in quadrature.
Spokespersons: M. Garçon, M. Guidal, E. S. Smith
Reaction: ep → ω p
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dφ
Q2: 2.35 GeV2
W: 2.21 GeV
x: 0.37
ε: 0.65
L. Morand, D. Dore, M. Garçon, M. Guidal, J.-M. Laget, S. Morrow, F. Sabatie, E. Smith, and CLAS collaboration Deeply virtual and exclusive electroproduction of omega mesons // hep-ex/0504057

Measurement data
φ, [deg] dσ/dφ, [μb/rad] uncertainty
20.0 0.1082222 0.009553088
60.0 0.09069937 0.00934682
100.0 0.08829997 0.007557207
140.0 0.1067878 0.009374598
180.0 0.0883383 0.02046833
220.0 0.1090804 0.01011026
260.0 0.09301883 0.00768898
300.0 0.07846631 0.007924352
340.0 0.1064021 0.009180624