CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E187M167

Experiment: e1e
Year: 2022

Measurement comment:

Quasi-free Legendre moment

Experiment comment:

Q2 : 0.4 — 1.0 GeV2 W : up to 1.825 GeV Ebeam : 2.039 GeV
Spokespersons: Y. Tian, R. W. Gothe V.I. Mokeev, and G. Hollis
Reaction: ed → π p
Polarization: none
Quantity: B1 (Legendre moment)
Q2: 0.5 GeV2
W: 1.1875 — 1.7125 GeV
Ebeam: 2.039 GeV
Y. Tian, R.W. Gothe, V.I. Mokeev and G. Hollis (For CLAS Collaboration) Exclusive π− Electroproduction off the Neutron in Deuterium in the Resonance Region // CLAS-Notes 2021-101 //

Measurement data
W, [GeV] B1 (Legendre moment), [μb/sr] uncertainty syst. uncert.
1.1875 0.0127605 0.396279 2.27236
1.2125 -0.904933 0.288995 2.44626
1.2375 -4.78882 0.280348 2.17508
1.2625 -2.94688 0.262654 1.45406
1.2875 0.245723 0.245111 0.218856
1.3125 -0.377448 0.189917 0.717371
1.3375 -0.353333 0.178595 0.319559
1.3625 -0.661919 0.137585 0.219602
1.3875 -0.880369 0.129289 0.360019
1.4125 -0.966003 0.134084 0.323298
1.4375 -1.35347 0.160866 0.48489
1.4625 -1.01404 0.111076 0.465895
1.4875 -1.08751 0.0928492 0.465212
1.5125 -0.614957 0.0971852 0.237955
1.5375 -0.247762 0.0838922 0.104515
1.5625 -0.180269 0.0785932 0.0799621
1.5875 -0.255961 0.0937932 0.0761032
1.6125 -0.429906 0.100999 0.0963424
1.6375 -0.545448 0.0887312 0.134327
1.6625 -0.397655 0.0924186 0.160629
1.6875 -0.305175 0.115026 0.108849
1.7125 -0.0245598 0.436795 0.296611