CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E38M231

Experiment: E1-5st-Lambda (E93-030/E00-112)
Year: 1999

Measurement comment:

Differential cross sections were extracted by combining yields of data pertaining to two beam energies 4.056 and 4.247 GeV.

Experiment comment:

5 structure function group analysis results for the K+Λ channel.
Spokespersons: Mestayer, Hicks, Carman, Raue
Reaction: ep → K+ Λ
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 1.55 GeV2
W: 2.05 GeV
ε: 0.571675
D.S. Carman, B.A. Raue, and CLAS Collaboration Beam-Recoil Polarization Transfer in the Nucleon Resonance Region in the Exclusive ep -> e′K+Λ and ep -> e′K+Σ0 Reactions at CLAS // PRC 79, 065205 (2009)

Slice: cos(θ) =

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.6 -157.5 0.0 0.0
-0.6 -112.5 0.0 0.0
-0.6 -67.5 12.465618 3.705493
-0.6 -22.5 9.478726 3.917556
-0.6 22.5 5.907104 3.524403
-0.6 67.5 9.285275 3.336809
-0.6 112.5 0.0 0.0
-0.6 157.5 0.0 0.0
-0.25 -157.5 25.094801 6.918839
-0.25 -112.5 15.690214 4.086512
-0.25 -67.5 16.215513 5.03546
-0.25 -22.5 7.5205 4.208742
-0.25 22.5 5.649496 3.430753
-0.25 67.5 9.164058 3.258819
-0.25 112.5 13.375123 3.630442
-0.25 157.5 12.441885 6.217998
0.05 -157.5 41.452881 6.338823
0.05 -112.5 42.641453 6.049289
0.05 -67.5 23.440948 6.005098
0.05 -22.5 22.50495 6.007555
0.05 22.5 23.396009 6.121726
0.05 67.5 32.897362 6.569282
0.05 112.5 41.717724 5.923843
0.05 157.5 40.818394 6.156547
0.35 -165.0 59.574909 8.702666
0.35 -135.0 52.257877 12.223362
0.35 -105.0 64.155159 9.768945
0.35 -75.0 52.511669 8.550972
0.35 -45.0 22.54191 13.597004
0.35 -15.0 35.764198 26.046223
0.35 15.0 48.208553 25.532093
0.35 45.0 21.010986 16.14356
0.35 75.0 64.984421 8.942061
0.35 105.0 71.783081 10.668492
0.35 135.0 31.771534 11.056227
0.35 165.0 47.448013 8.61834
0.65 -165.0 77.817619 10.761837
0.65 -135.0 78.229828 13.138922
0.65 -105.0 77.351715 13.099791
0.65 -75.0 91.599197 12.286374
0.65 -45.0 60.954494 13.206663
0.65 -15.0 0.0 0.0
0.65 15.0 0.0 0.0
0.65 45.0 71.634026 13.889202
0.65 75.0 60.939655 12.047297
0.65 105.0 103.940224 16.003937
0.65 135.0 77.422585 12.685052
0.65 165.0 85.151878 10.855132
0.9 -165.0 128.280594 17.113392
0.9 -135.0 173.899231 22.417122
0.9 -105.0 189.907135 29.027767
0.9 -75.0 133.198639 31.381529
0.9 -45.0 148.545288 37.895493
0.9 -15.0 137.64502 37.038082
0.9 15.0 185.459915 38.31662
0.9 45.0 183.932037 42.34869
0.9 75.0 128.476883 32.892502
0.9 105.0 149.753021 26.321274
0.9 135.0 143.83371 20.711224
0.9 165.0 169.796875 17.665394