CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E38M244

Experiment: E1-5st-Lambda (E93-030/E00-112)
Year: 1999

Measurement comment:

Differential cross sections were extracted by combining yields of data pertaining to two beam energies 4.056 and 4.247 GeV.

Experiment comment:

5 structure function group analysis results for the K+Λ channel.
Spokespersons: Mestayer, Hicks, Carman, Raue
Reaction: ep → K+ Λ
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 2.55 GeV2
W: 1.75 GeV
ε: 0.55632
D.S. Carman, B.A. Raue, and CLAS Collaboration Beam-Recoil Polarization Transfer in the Nucleon Resonance Region in the Exclusive ep -> e′K+Λ and ep -> e′K+Σ0 Reactions at CLAS // PRC 79, 065205 (2009)

Slice: cos(θ) =

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.6 -157.5 0.0 0.0
-0.6 -112.5 26.270588 7.568767
-0.6 -67.5 26.151031 6.911654
-0.6 -22.5 11.189225 9.889997
-0.6 22.5 22.426287 14.016502
-0.6 67.5 29.843754 6.996502
-0.6 112.5 15.689437 6.366663
-0.6 157.5 45.676205 22.475309
-0.25 -157.5 30.980061 13.785615
-0.25 -112.5 23.85301 7.867035
-0.25 -67.5 36.987495 8.844455
-0.25 -22.5 15.112831 10.906788
-0.25 22.5 15.069056 10.875196
-0.25 67.5 26.230385 8.111197
-0.25 112.5 30.861603 9.245219
-0.25 157.5 36.954212 14.576726
0.05 -157.5 48.312664 9.302349
0.05 -112.5 64.57737 12.4505
0.05 -67.5 34.74884 9.565215
0.05 -22.5 27.628389 15.444809
0.05 22.5 54.578568 21.689066
0.05 67.5 26.546717 10.49232
0.05 112.5 54.916626 10.840515
0.05 157.5 60.147816 10.261713
0.35 -165.0 68.605621 13.23322
0.35 -135.0 86.973541 16.472649
0.35 -105.0 65.782951 16.276602
0.35 -75.0 53.300167 13.967069
0.35 -45.0 47.389149 18.078148
0.35 -15.0 96.573151 69.695862
0.35 15.0 32.171696 40.214657
0.35 45.0 45.691292 19.637592
0.35 75.0 75.517273 17.211439
0.35 105.0 61.010201 16.767403
0.35 135.0 56.988251 15.858647
0.35 165.0 96.082054 13.869961
0.65 -165.0 107.974174 15.258232
0.65 -135.0 103.383606 18.223213
0.65 -105.0 75.151421 18.315191
0.65 -75.0 53.677326 18.291746
0.65 -45.0 106.506401 28.644016
0.65 -15.0 65.895714 24.316326
0.65 15.0 101.527153 27.657944
0.65 45.0 68.958801 29.495815
0.65 75.0 80.099823 18.888451
0.65 105.0 95.059586 20.470951
0.65 135.0 109.177696 17.842228
0.65 165.0 97.17424 15.169802
0.9 -165.0 99.72773 21.524235
0.9 -135.0 136.512939 23.941401
0.9 -105.0 131.096878 31.287813
0.9 -75.0 112.072037 28.48391
0.9 -45.0 135.197769 27.17939
0.9 -15.0 135.840637 21.652266
0.9 15.0 80.853188 19.156218
0.9 45.0 85.841728 23.767643
0.9 75.0 90.784607 26.171707
0.9 105.0 122.518364 28.718554
0.9 135.0 166.100311 26.268797
0.9 165.0 119.563095 20.553505