CLAS Physics Database

Measurement E142M269

Experiment: E00-112 CLAS experiment
Year: 0

Experiment comment:

The uncertainties are statistical only. Systematic uncertainties are at the level of about 10%.
Spokesperson: Daniel S. Carman
Reaction: ep → K+ Σ0
Polarization: none
Quantity: dσ/dΩ
Q2: 2.6 GeV2
W: 2.025 GeV
D. S. Carman et al. (CLAS Collaboration) // Phys. Rev. C 87, 025204 (2013)

Slice: cos(θ) = dimensionless

Measurement data
cos(θ) φ, [degree] dσ/dΩ, [nb/sr] uncertainty
-0.775 -157.5 2.358 1.454
-0.775 -112.5 1.938 1.402
-0.775 -67.5 5.967 2.932
-0.775 -22.5 3.536 2.363
-0.775 22.5 4.994 2.812
-0.775 67.5 3.208 2.144
-0.775 112.5 3.4 1.86
-0.775 157.5 3.513 1.778
-0.525 -157.5 1.475 0.935
-0.525 -112.5 2.091 1.123
-0.525 -67.5 2.761 1.522
-0.525 -22.5 1.536 1.169
-0.525 22.5 4.026 1.897
-0.525 67.5 4.535 1.954
-0.525 112.5 2.747 1.288
-0.525 157.5 1.662 0.992
-0.3 -157.5 4.462 1.664
-0.3 -112.5 7.313 2.276
-0.3 -67.5 4.327 1.994
-0.3 -22.5 5.218 2.324
-0.3 22.5 5.564 2.401
-0.3 67.5 7.84 2.691
-0.3 112.5 8.433 2.446
-0.3 157.5 5.953 1.925
-0.1 -157.5 7.495 2.151
-0.1 -112.5 7.875 2.287
-0.1 -67.5 6.838 2.299
-0.1 -22.5 7.369 3.192
-0.1 22.5 5.141 2.662
-0.1 67.5 11.38 2.974
-0.1 112.5 7.156 2.179
-0.1 157.5 7.527 2.155
0.1 -157.5 14.949 2.644
0.1 -112.5 9.467 2.511
0.1 -67.5 9.427 2.307
0.1 -22.5 4.142 3.271
0.1 22.5 7.56 4.426
0.1 67.5 10.181 2.398
0.1 112.5 12.189 2.852
0.1 157.5 13.185 2.48
0.3 -157.5 19.76 3.077
0.3 -112.5 18.697 3.555
0.3 -67.5 17.018 2.83
0.3 -22.5 22.139 7.258
0.3 22.5 21.941 7.224
0.3 67.5 19.223 3.01
0.3 112.5 18.617 3.547
0.3 157.5 19.978 3.094
0.5 -157.5 22.581 3.288
0.5 -112.5 17.932 3.674
0.5 -67.5 17.001 3.049
0.5 -22.5 16.447 4.852
0.5 22.5 19.918 5.345
0.5 67.5 17.318 3.077
0.5 112.5 18.889 3.772
0.5 157.5 18.23 2.95
0.675 -157.5 28.364 4.106
0.675 -112.5 21.85 4.835
0.675 -67.5 18.41 4.855
0.675 -22.5 11.571 6.505
0.675 22.5 21.018 8.79
0.675 67.5 19.752 5.031
0.675 112.5 26.382 5.317
0.675 157.5 28.47 4.114
0.825 -157.5 31.487 4.386
0.825 -112.5 28.199 5.739
0.825 -67.5 22.381 6.783
0.825 -22.5 25.036 6.803
0.825 22.5 26.999 7.068
0.825 67.5 17.169 5.936
0.825 112.5 26.117 5.522
0.825 157.5 30.873 4.342
0.95 -157.5 45.002 7.007
0.95 -112.5 35.999 6.93
0.95 -67.5 37.41 6.748
0.95 -22.5 35.268 5.961
0.95 22.5 34.683 5.911
0.95 67.5 34.468 6.475
0.95 112.5 39.865 7.296
0.95 157.5 34.569 6.133